Becoming My Stronger Me

Playtime: Quality over Quantity

Nassim Season 2 Episode 28

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It's easy to fall into the mindset that more minutes on the court or field equals better performance. Players often think, “If I’m playing more, I must be improving.” Parents, too, may measure their child’s development or future opportunities by how much time they’re getting during games.

But here’s the question: Is playtime really the best indicator of success? Could it be that our obsession with how much someone plays actually distracts us from the more important metric—how well they play?

In today’s episode, we’ll break down why we seem so focused on playtime, how this mindset can be deceiving, and why it’s crucial to shift our thinking from the number of minutes played to the quality of those minutes. We’ll explore the perspectives of athletes, parents, and coaches—especially at the higher levels of competition—discuss the challenges and pressures they face, and then dive into tips and strategies to help make this mindset shift.


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